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Want a beautiful smile?
let us help you...
We have transformed thousands of smiles with the utmost care and attention to details.
We always aim to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible to minimise any sensitivity.
We try to avoid fake artificial looking teeth, we prefer creating naturally brighter smiles that suit your face.
Sometimes all one needs is a little bit of teeth whitening, bonding and shaping to create a beautiful smile.
We try and do the most minimal invasive treatment to get the maximum longevity out of your smile transformation.
We promise to always go through all the best treatment options for you and discuss all their benefits, risks and costs.
We can even do a smile mock up for you in the chair or digitally before you proceed to give you an idea of the result.
"I can honestly say with no hyperbole that my new teeth have transformed my life."
J Varley
What is the difference between a veneer and a crown?
See in the picture below. A veneer is like a false nail stuck over your tooth when there is lots of health natural tooth left. A crown is similar to a veneer (same material in many instances) but goes around the tooth 360 degrees. A porcelain crown and veneer normally require a least 0.3-1.0 mm of tooth reduction to make space for them and to avoid a bulky appearance to your teeth. Sometimes where you have gaps and space - we can recommend a combination of non preparation veneers and/or orthodontics.
How long do crowns and veneers they last?
We would like to say around 8-15 years. Sometimes longer, sometimes less. We generally say the better you look after them and have regular hygiene sessions and check ups the better the outcome. We also advise wearing a retainer/nightguard at night every night to protect them and stop your teeth moving over time (this occurs on all teeth whether they have crowns/veneers or not).
How long does the process take?
Session 1 (60 minutes): You will attend for an in person consultation with your dentist (you can have a complimentary video session with our treatment coordinator if you so wish).
Session 2 (60-120 minutes): You will then attend for a planning a design appointment. This is where we test drive the colour / shape and bite of your teeth.
Session 3 (60-180 minutes): The teeth will be prepared and provisional veneers/crowns will be placed based on your agreed design.
Session 4 (60 minutes): You second session of laboratory provisionals will be made to finalise and adjust any small details.
Session 5 (120 minutes): We will fit your final crowns and veneers. You will also be provided a night guard/retainer.
Session 6 (15 minutes): Review appointment to see how everything is going and address any issues and final photos.
The total process normally takes 3-12 weeks depending on healing and complexity. There is normally 1-3 weeks between each appointment.
What is the difference between a posterior full crown and a posterior overlay/onlay (half crown)?
These 2 things are essentially the same thing, cost roughly the same and involve the same process. The main difference is that a full crown covers your whole tooth all the way around and goes to the gum level. An overlay only covers the top surface of the tooth and does not go down to gum level.
We do full crowns when we want the most natural transition from gum to tooth so you cannot see the margin (join). We also do full crowns when there is not as much left of the tooth and we need to seal and protect the tooth as much as possible.
Overlays are done on the back teeth where cosmetics is not such a priority and we want to not interfere with the gum. It is where we drill less of the tooth to preserve its longevity but there is a small risk that the join (where we glue the ceramic overlay to the remaining tooth) may become more obvious over time. Both of these restorations last around 10-15 years.
What would delay me having cosmetic dentistry?
In many instances we tend to see issues in the back of the mouth that need attention first. We deal with everyone as ethically as possible and there cannot be any cosmetic work carried out if there are infections or decay on other teeth in the mouth.
We must make sure these is no infections, no decay and no gum disease first and foremost.
Then once the mouth is deemed healthy and you are looking after them, many patients then proceed with teeth whitening (should you wish to whiten the overall appearance of all your teeth).
This normally takes 2-4 weeks.
Once completed we will then start the smile designing process.
The reason why we do our smile makeovers slow and systematically is that we want you to enjoy your smile for as long as possible and learn how to best look after your teeth. Also your smile is a reflection on us and we want to be proud of doing a great job for many years going into the future.
What laboratory technicians do you use?
We only use the best materials and technicians from all across the world. We do not use one specific company or technician. Why? Because each technician has their own area that they excel at, some are very good at veneers others with implants etc. No matter the case we find the right fit for you and what you would like to achieve. You can see in the case below the patient had a number of post crowns done previously and we placed a new core and matched the new crown to old the crowns.
Why should I not just go abroad to get it done cheaper?
Good question... the reality is that there are good and bad dentists in every country in the world. If you find someone you trust and is recommended then we have no issues if you are happy. What we tend to see is that the people trying to cut corners and get the cheapest price often have the most post operative and long term problems. Unfortunately when these patients attend to the clinic the cost of repair is far greater than getting it done correctly in the first place. So in summary do your research, go slowly and choose an expert in the field such as ourselves.
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